Schools Prehistory And a Lot of Other things

In dieser Folge des Podcasts "Anarchaeologist" geht es v.a. in einem Interview um den Hintergrund der Website "School’s Prehistory", die archäologische Inhalte für Schulen bereitstellt (51:12)

Hello and welcome to a slighlty delayed podcast episode, I haven’t been feeling the best so I’ve been slow to edit. However this one is a good one. Today I speak with (sometimes at) Kim Biddulph of School’s Prehistory, dedicated to providing great resources for educators about the past. In this episode we not only cover the history of Schools Prehistory but we take a look at archaeology, archaeologists, presenting history and I make a flailing defense of theory.
I apologise for some audio quality, I messed up my settings and I tried to edit as possible, I also apologise to Kim for talking a lot.

Ein Podcast von Anarchaeologist
