Expedition Vittfarne

Eine Expedition, die den Reiseweg in den Kaukasus des schwedischen Wikingerhäuptlings Ingvar nachvollzogen hat. Sprachen: englisch, georgisch, russisch, ukrainisch


Aufnahme in den Guide am 31.10.2004
Letzte Aktualisierung des Eintrags: 07.03.2005
Letzte Prüfung der URL: 17.03.2025
Status: neue Adresse (Umleitung)


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Documentary from Expedition Vittfarne on the Swedish Television 5 von 5 Sternen

The documentary from the Expedition Vittfarne will be shown on the Swedish Television (SVT 2) on 28 March at 19.00 Hours and on 31 March at 16.25. "Vittfarne" will also be shown on the satellite channel SVT Europe on 28 March at 23.35 and on 31 March at 13.10. "Vittfarne" - a Swedish documentary from 2004 (60 minutes). The summer 2004 the Association Vittfarne made a scientific expedition in the wake of the Swedish bviking chieftain Ingvar the fartravelled one. Ingvar and his men are believed to have made the same journey eastwards with 30 ships during 1036-1041. The journey, which is described at around 30 runic stones in central Sweden, in the Islandic Saga and in the Georgian Chronicle, started at the village Zmievka (Kherson Oblast), went through Russia and Georgia, to Baku in Azerbaijan. The scientific expedition lasted more than three months and the Swedish Television had a photographer on board from the start to the end. Read more at: www.vittfarne.com www.svt.se

Kommentar von: Verein Vittfarne, 2005-03-07 00:00:00

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