ἐξουσιῶν καί δυνάμεων. 18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, 19 through whom [...] as chosen by Kraus and Nicklas (TH. J. KRAUS - T. NICKLAS, Das Petrusevangelium und die Petrusapokalypse. Die griechischen Fragmente mit deutscher und englischer Übersetzung , Berlin -New York 2004 [...] important moment in the life of Jesus in order to seal the unity between the Father and the Son. He also does this in order to emphasise that the life of the Son is marked by a complete and definitive acceptance
Greek mythology. Such ritual practices and such mythical images involving a stone are for the most part - but not only - connected with the death and with the tomb like place of cult and imagination. The [...] tomb and the death among the Greeks is well illustrated, for example, by the idea of sema and that of mnema : the first ( sema ) stands for the tomb both as a material and as a symbolic place; the [...] not only by notions like sema and mnema , but also by different means. I would like to analyse one of these various means using the idea of Polyvalence des images , shaped by the founder
they supplied one priestess for the cult of Athena Skiras and one for the cults of Pandrosos and Aglauros and of Ge Kourotrophos, as well as a priest for Heracles and one for the hero Eurysakes. In [...] appoint a special archon for its administration, and to regulate taxes payable by its inhabitants. It is received opinion that this decree provides the terminus ante quem for the final settlement of [...] passage, Apollodoros relates how Athena approached Hephaistos in order to have some weapons made. The god, however, overcome by lust for her, started to pursue her and just when he was about to lay hands
the first being also evoked in 241 [42] ; as for Basanoff the temple of Iuno Curitis in Campo was dedicated by Camillus in 388 BC by means of an exoratio , with which the Romans imported [...] [2] by which, shortly before the last attack on the besieged city, the Romans asked its tutelary deity to take her favour away from those whom she had granted it until then in order to give it to [...] to them. The fundamental reasons for this practice were: the search for the support of the city’s deity, without whose agreement conquering the city would have become extremely difficult, if not impossible
summarized as follows: two deities, Apollo and Artemis, take revenge for the disgrace done to their mother Leto. She has been provoked by the mortal Niobe, the mother of many children, who boasts about the [...] entirely unusual for this region, as persons with long-sleeved clothes frequently feature in local art. [20] Moreover, the fact that this figure plays an important role is emphasized by his unusual gesture [...] to a Classical formal language. It is more difficult to make this claim for the plaster appliqués, but this might be explained by the quality of the material. The motifs used are widespread in Greek and
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