indeed manifold. New ethnic elements, private piety, state-controlled initiative, oracles, or natural catastrophes can become the initiatory parameter for introducing new gods. Such new »comers« have always [...] under certain circumstances, new gods to be introduced and become an integral part of an already existing system. The preconditions for a successful introduction of a new, sometimes even foreign deity [...] their sanctuaries a new sacred topography, or become a big attraction for the members of a specific social stratum. Aim of the 8th International Spring School at the Department for Religious Studies
the Museum we would like to thank the court for the opportunity to express the Museum's gratitude for the safe and orderly return of this valuable Tablet and for a happy end to this long journey. As Dr. Ralf [...] thanks Mr. Flamenbaum for sharing this crucial information and for permitting the Museum to reclaim an important piece of the world's heritage. The museums of the world are thankful for the selfless efforts [...] families. The Museum expresses its sincerest sympathies for that suffering. On April 20, 2006, attorney David T. Reilly, who is based in Mineola New York, wrote to the Museum on behalf of his client Israel
als bislang angenommen. Katerina Harvati-Papatheodorou wurde 2001 an der City University of New York promoviert. 2004 wechselte sie an das Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie in Leipzig [...] als Professorin für Paläoanthropologie tätig und gehört zum später gegründeten Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment. Zu ihren zahleichen eingeworbenen Drittmittelprojekten zählen [...] Grant der des europäischen Forschungsrates (ERC). Sie ist zudem Co-Sprecherin der DFG-geförderten For-schungsgruppe »Words, Bones, Genes, Tools: Tracking Linguistic, Cultural and Biological Trajectories
they supplied one priestess for the cult of Athena Skiras and one for the cults of Pandrosos and Aglauros and of Ge Kourotrophos, as well as a priest for Heracles and one for the hero Eurysakes. In [...] cycle for a long time is not necessarily a problem, but rather a solution to it. It was the fact that they were not yet being used for cultic worship that made the three suitable candidates for inclusion [...] appoint a special archon for its administration, and to regulate taxes payable by its inhabitants. It is received opinion that this decree provides the terminus ante quem for the final settlement of
εἰς οὐρανόν ὑποταγέντων αὐτῷ ἀγγέλων καὶ ἐξουσιῶν καί δυνάμεων. 18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but [...] in the present, aorist or passive perfect participle, refers to the dead. The New Testament also uses κοιμᾶσθαι for to die (Jn. 11,11; Acts 7,60; 13,36; 1 Cor. 7,39). In Greek it indicates the sleep [...] importance for analysing the resurrection in Evangelium Petri , as they prove that the author taps into the tradition of the primitive church. Several ancient Christian writings, both in the New Testament
Abstract Tombs are since the origins of appearance relevant and meaningful symbols for living more than for deceased. Every civilization assumed in different places and periods independently the same [...] analyzed tombs imitate sometimes the architecture of houses to underline the function of an eternal place for the dead, some temple-tombs explain trough architectural features the elevation to the sacred sphere [...] g the epigraphical remains excluding an analysis of the funerary structures. Recently a lot of new studies on roman imperial tombs appeared with the goal to repair the gap in funerary documentation
Institut für Papyrologie der Universität Heidelberg, der gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Roger Bagnall von der New York University das Projekt leitet. Der Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri basiert auf der [...] Papiri Ercolanesi (Italien) und der Duke University beteiligt. Das Projekt wurde vom National Endowment for the Humanities und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft finanziert.
Zerlegung eines Elefanten nachweisen lässt", betont Professor Katerina Harvati vom Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (HEP) an der Universität Tübingen. Die 2013 in einem Braunk [...] Tsartsidou, George E. Konidaris, Domenico Giusti, Panagiotis Karkanas & Katerina Harvati: Marathousa 1: a new Middle Pleistocene archaeological site from Greece. Antiquity, Issue 343, Februar 2015
Instituts für Europäische Kunstgeschichte. Der Geschäftsführende Direktor des Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage , Prof. Dr. Christian Witschel, hebt in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem die inter [...] im Kampf gegen Kunstfälschungen vorstellen. Mit Dr. Lynn Catterson von der Columbia University in New York konnte eine weitere angesehene Expertin für die Sommerschule gewonnen werden. Der öffentliche
Merkmal, das ein Bindeglied zu heute lebenden Menschenaffen herstellt«, fügt Ellen Miller von der Wake Forest University hinzu. Alesis Schädel ist etwa so groß wie eine Zitrone, und mit seiner besonders [...] man denken, es handelt sich um einen ausgestorbenen Gibbon«, sagt Chris Gilbert vom Hunter College, New York. »Allerdings zeigen unsere Analysen, dass dieses Erscheinungsbild nicht ausschließlich bei Gibbons [...] Feibel, C., Fox, D., Feinberg, J., Pugh, K.D., Berruyer, C., Mana, S., Engle, Z. and Spoor, F. New infant cranium from the African Miocene sheds light on ape evolution. Nature; 10 August, 2017 DOI: