hen Fundstätten in der Provinz Huà Pan in Laos: Tam Pà Ling und der nahe gelegenen Fundstätte Nam Lot. »Die Fundstätte Tam Pà Ling ist für die Paläoanthropologie und Archäologie Südostasiens besonders
fact made an agreement: the one of them who, drawing lots, would have Helen, should be obliged to assist his friend in procuring another wife. The lot fell upon Theseus and consequently he helped Pirithous [...] classical Greece, stones play an important role, both as a material object around which we can observe a lot of ritual practices and as an 'image' in Greek mythology. Such ritual practices and such mythical images [...] modalities of the method I have been describing. The Theseus' history is just an example: in a lot of different myths, the stone actually occurs in contexts of taking power, and, more precisely, in
considering the epigraphical remains excluding an analysis of the funerary structures. Recently a lot of new studies on roman imperial tombs appeared with the goal to repair the gap in funerary documentation
während eines Landemanövers. Es handelt sich vielmehr um den äußerst genau dargestellten Vorgang des Lotens der Fahrwassertiefe. Das Handlot an der Lotleine wird während der Fahrt von einem Mann voraus geworfen
‘For Athena Nike a priestess being chosen by lot from all Athenian women is to be appointed’. It was a radical democratic decision to elect a priestess by lot from all Athenians ( ekhs Athenaion hapason
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