as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them [...] that there is a direct connection between 1 Pt. 3,19 and1 Pt. 4,6 there is: J.W. Dalton, The interpretation of 1 Peter 3,19 and 4,6: light from 2 Peter , «Biblica» 60 (1979), pp. 547-555 and J.H. Elliot [...] clear, however, that the dead and the living people spoken of in these verses are people who truly live and die a natural death and not a death due to sin. The writer of the 1 st Peter speaks about the
"Tomb of the Haterii," dated to around 110/120 A.D. It shows a deceased young woman lying on a high funerary bed, surrounded by mourners. A man is placing a festoon on the deceased's body. There is evidence [...] hypogea . In the 1 st century A.D., i.e. before the beginning of the large scale production of sarcophagi in Rome in around 120 A.D., most burial chambers were rather spacious and lacked permanent [...] the shape of arcades were built against the back wall and the wall opposite the entrance in a later period, as well a third pedestal in the shape of a solid masonry block next to the entrance. When this
wurde. [1] Introduction The myth of the Niobids appears widely in ancient texts and images and takes a number of different forms, according to the purpose, medium and context of [...] Excursus: A winged demon One of these types, however, is remarkably different: the figure of a bearded man dressed in a long-sleeved robe, which reaches to his feet, anda cloak ( himation [...] the single types are based on a number of clearly noticeable postures and gestures, which are frequently repeated and recombined. The first group consists of single male and female figures, usually described
the right arm in a fighting stance [5] . On another, a soldier fights on his knees with a shield on his left arm anda sword in his right [6] . Yet another fragment depicts a bearded, naked [...] into the promise of a blessed afterlife, and the use of the triumph on a tomb, along with the imagery of rebirth, could be interpreted as a belief in the triumph of life over death. In a review of Cumont’s [...] figurativa nell’antichità, Florence. Nock, A.D. 1946 A.D. Nock, “Sarcophagi and Symbolism.” AJA 50.1: 140-70. Rich, J.W. 1999 J.W. Rich, “Drusus and the Spolia Opima.” CQ 49: 544-555. Ryberg
sashes were twisted with silk and gold, their rich turbans were plumed and jewelled, and their sabres and poniards, of Damascene steel, were adorned with gold and gems on hilt and scabbard . (…) (…) It [...] sway of some terrific engine, and the bar of iron rolled on the ground in two pieces, as a woodsman would sever a sapling with a hedging-bill. "By the head of the Prophet, a most wonderful blow!" said [...] one of the attendants, the handle being of the same metal, and about an inch anda half in diameter. This he placed on a block of wood. The anxiety of De Vaux for his master's honour led him to whisper
die Außenstelle Sana'a des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI) . Diese archäologischen Stätten sind geprägt durch monumentale Gebäude und Tempel aus der ersten Hälfte des 1. Jahrtausends v.Chr. [...] Forschungen zu den kulturellen Beziehungen zwischen den Horn von Afrika und Süd-Arabien während des 1. Jahrtausends vor Christus. Ziel ist unter anderem die systematische Untersuchung der vielfältigen [...] wichtigsten touristischen Attraktionen der Region Tigray ist. Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
rite: 1) in place of the god’s name appears the usual formula sive deus sive dea ; 2) the addressee is the oppidum ’s tutelary deity; 3) there has been a votum of a temple or of a cult, and this [...] presence in Rome and therefore its own power. This, of course, together with the more specific political purposes. After the city’s capture, the deity usually received a cult and/or a temple in Rome, where [...] loca , templa , and sacra ; arouse in the enemy metus , formido and oblivio ; prefer the Roman templa , loca and city; be favourable to the Roman people and army. In exchange of
n Laien vorzustellen. Bibliographie F. Leberl andA. Irschara and T. Pock and P. Meixner and M. Gruber and S. Scholz andA. Wiechert (2010). Point Clouds: Lidar versus 3D Vision. In: P [...] Equipment and Open Source Software for High Resolution Documentation of Archaeological Stratigraphy and Features. In: CAA 2013 Proceedings of the 41st Conference in Computer Application and Quantitative [...] Undine Lieberwirth M.A. veröffentlicht am 12.09.2014 Veranstaltungen Prospektion “Big Work for Small Planes – Using UAVs and Kites for Archaeology”
Nulty, Kieran P.; Harvati, Katerina: Homo floresiensis contextualized: a geometric morphometric comparative analysis of fossil and pathological human samples, PLOS ONE (2013): [...] Wissenschaftler des Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment der Universität Tübingen untersuchten in Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen von der Stony Brook University New York und [...] etabliert? Oder waren es moderne Menschen, die an einer Krankheit litten? Der Schädel mit der Fundnummer LB1 hat eine geringe Größe und umfasste wohl nur ein eher kleines Gehirn. Als Ursachen kämen zum Beispiel
Founding a cult and building a sanctuary was one of the most important acts a community as a whole could undertake through which it could define itself to both insiders and outsiders, a subject on which [...] already seen and will see, there were many more ways for the Athenians to shape and control a cult and its participants. After the mention of the fee anda fragmentary allusion to a sacrifice we [...] being officially accepted and how this acceptance involved a grant of enktesis to own property and build a shrine We also see how the Athenians organized Bendis’ cult and her festival, the Bendideia