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The Roman Empire through its inscriptions


The University of Navarra, with funding from the European Union's Creative Europe programme and the participation of the Universities of Coimbra (Portugal), Bordeaux (France) and La Sapienza de Roma (Italy), is developing the project "Valete vos viatores: travelling through Latin inscriptions across the Roman Empire". The project aims to bring the Roman epigraphic heritage closer to the general public through a virtual museum and a video game (created and managed by the Trahelium studio) and an audiovisual series produced and directed by Clau Creative S. L. In addition, a final publication, compiles the experience of the work team in the application of the Humanities Digital to the study of Roman inscriptions and the transfer of their main values, builders of European identity, to society. A large part of these materials can be accessed from this web site

The project aims to provide tools that make it possible for the general public - with special attention to young people - to travel from Rome to the finis terrae of the West in Antiquity, the province of Lusitania, discovering the unique tones with which the stones "speak", making up the different provincial epigraphic cultures of the Latin West. All this, highlighting in this journey the peculiar features of the way in which the epigraphic habit took shape in the different regions of the old Latin Europe and the general patron saint that Rome, by contrast, gave to the habit of engraving inscriptions in the whole of the West. 

In order to narrow this journey and make it moreover attractive, the participating universities chose as partners museums and epigraphic collections which are attractive and which, in recent years, have been growing steadily: the Museo Nazionale Romano, perhaps the largest lapidarium in the Roman West, in Rome; the Museé d'Aquitaine, in Bordeaux; the Arquivo Epigráfico de Egitânia, in Idanha-a-Velha, Portugal; and the highly epigraphic archaeological projects of Los Bañales de Uncastillo (Zaragoza) and Santa Criz de Eslava (Navarra), in the ancient province of Tarraconensis.


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Javier Andreu

Full Professor of Ancient History

University of Navarra

Juan José Pons

Full Professor of Geography

University of Navarra

Armando Redentor

Professor of Roman Epigraphy

University of Coimbra

Pedro C. Carvalho

Professor of Archaeology

University of Coimbra

José Cristovao


Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova

Patricia Dias


Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova

Milagros Navarro

Professor of Roman Epigraphy

University of Bordeaux

Anne Ziegle


Musée d'Aquitaine

Nathalie Prévost

Researcher in Roman Epigraphy

University of Bordeaux

Silvia Orlandi

Professor of Roman Epigraphy

University of Rome La Sapienza

Carlota Carusso

manager of SSR

Museo Nazionale Romano

Agnese Pérgola

Pedagogical Office

Museo Nazionale Romano

Antonella Ferraro


Museo Nazionale Romano

Sara Colantonio

Pedagogical Office

Museo Nazionale Romano

Quim Torrents

Director Executive

Clau Creative Services

Ane Urrizburu


Clau Creative Services

Iker Ibero Iriarte

3D Developer

Trahelium Studio

Pablo Serrano Basterra

Photogrammetry technician

Trahelium Studio

Elena Alguacil

Associate Professor

University of Navarra



Javier Andreu

Director Scientist

Campus University. University of Navarra

31009 Pamplona, Spain

948 425 600


Elena Alguacil


Campus University. University of Navarra

31009 Pamplona, Spain

948 425 600



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This publication closes the work of the project

The Issue presents a tour of the singular manifestations of the epigraphic habitus in the aforementioned provinces, but also of some of the new technological and social tools used by the members of the group promoter of Issue to highlight and bring these sensational historical documents about our past to the general public, now adopting the technological formats of the present. 

Download here Issue through Google Books.


Valete vos viatores
Travelling through Latin inscriptions across the Roman Empire

Javier Andreu
Armando Redentor
Elena Alguacil

Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal), 2022

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Aplicaciones anidadas


E-Pigraphy: new projects for 21st Century Epigraphy            

1. New tools for didactics in Roman Epigraphy: valete vos viatores
Javier Andreu

2. Old wine in new wineskins: a video game with epigraphic content
Javier Andreu, Iker Ibero and Pablo Serrano

3. Avvicinarsi agli antichi attraverso l'epigrafia: l'esperienza sui canali sociali del MNR
Carlota Caruso - Agnese Pergola

4. Epigraphy and storytelling: the case of Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia
Valentina Uglietti

5. The didactic potential of digital epigraphy, between critical and civic spirit
Silvia Orlandi

6. Les instructions de données épigraphiques et l'Institut Ausonius à l'ère des Humanités Digitales
Milagros Navarro Caballero, Nathalie Prévôt and Coline Ruiz Darasse


Epigraphic Landscapes and Contexts in the West: New Approaches            

7. Scrivere sui muri nella Roma antica
Silvia Orlandi and Angela Mincuzzi

8. Apontamentos sobre a paisagem epigráfica da capital dos Igaeditani
Armando Redentor, Pedro Carvalho, José Cristóvão

9. A valorização patrimonial das inscrições romanas de Idanha-a-Velha
Armando Redentor, Pedro Carvalho, José Cristóvão, Patrícia Dias, Carla Ribeiro da Silva

10. Caput mundi e capitale d'Italia. The challenge of the history of ancient and modern Rome in the iscrizioni of the Museo Nazionale Romano
Antonella Ferraro

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