Mareike Heinritz M.A.
Freie Universität Berlin
Mareike Heinritz got the degree of a Magistra Artium in Human Studies (Classical Archaeology and Indology) in 2005 at the University of Leipzig. She wrote her Magister thesis „Der Niobidenmythos als Thema römischer Sarkophage im Bosporanischen Reich” (in English: “The Myth of the Niobids as a subject on Roman sarcophagi in the Bosporan Kingdom“) in Classical Archaeology.
Currently, Mareike Heinritz works on her PhD dissertation in Classical Archaeology with the provisional title “Between polis and indigenous area – forms of marking space, demarcation and communication in contact situations between Greek colonies and indigenous tribes” at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Mareike Heinritz hat 1 Artikel bei Archäologie Online veröffentlicht
Mareike Heinritz developes a new approach towards the interpretation of the use of Greek myths in funeral contexts of the Bosporan kingdom, on the example of the myth of the Niobids. Mareike Heinritz argues in her paper that the myth of the Niobids in the Bosporan context is used in a much more abbreviated form and within the rules of a local funerary tradition.
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