Dr. Lucia Marrucci
Dipartimento di Filologia Classica
Lucia Marrucci got a degree certificate in Classics (Anthropology of the Ancient World) in 2000 at the University of Pisa, with a thesis concerning an unpublished manuscript by Louis Gernet on Greek Myth (supervisor R. Di Donato).
She got a PhD in Scienze della Cultura in 2003 at the Scuola Internazionale in Scienze della Cultura, Fondazione San Carlo in Modena, with a thesis about the herodotean representation of tyrants and kings (Sovranità e leggenda: studio di una funzione antropologica in Erodoto. Supervisors: R. Di Donato, R. Bodei, F. Lissarrague)
Starting from July 2004 she has been working as Research Fellow in Greek Literature at the Dipartimento di Filologia Classica of the University of Pisa for 4 years (July 2004- July 2008)
Currently she is working on the ideas of kratos and arche and their representation in archaic and classical literary sources.
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