Lucia Marrucci

Dr. Lucia Marrucci

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica

Lucia Marrucci got a degree certificate in Classics (Anthropology of the Ancient World) in 2000 at the University of Pisa, with a thesis concerning an unpublished manuscript by Louis Gernet on Greek Myth (supervisor R. Di Donato).

She got a PhD in Scienze della Cultura in 2003 at the Scuola Internazionale in Scienze della Cultura, Fondazione San Carlo in Modena, with a thesis about the herodotean representation of tyrants and kings (Sovranità e leggenda: studio di una funzione antropologica in Erodoto. Supervisors: R. Di Donato, R. Bodei, F. Lissarrague)

Starting from July 2004 she has been working as Research Fellow in Greek Literature at the Dipartimento di Filologia Classica of the University of Pisa for 4 years (July 2004- July 2008)

Currently she is working on the ideas of kratos and arche and their representation in archaic and classical literary sources.

Lucia Marrucci hat 1 Artikel bei Archäologie Online veröffentlicht
Lucia Marrucci's paper examines the polysemic role of the stone in ancient Greece, focussing especially on its relationships with ritual practices and with myths concerning the death. Its aim is to apply to the 'image' of the stone the analysis of Greek myth based on the idea of Polyvalence des Images, shaped by the founder of the Historical Anthropology of the Ancient World, Louis Gernet, in order to investigate some Greek attitudes toward the death.
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