Journey through time to discover the fossils and science behind how our ancestors evolved from seven million years to the present.
Journey through time to discover the fossils and science behind how our ancestors evolved from seven million years to the present.
Donald Johanson
The original interactive exploration of four million years of human evolution.
See, hear, learn, and discover more about human evolution.
The Becoming Human website was created and is maintained by the Institute of Human Origins-a California 501C-3 (IHO-CA) and supported by its Executive Board and the generous donations of its supporters, like you!
This public-private partnership is supported by the Institute of Human Origins, a research center of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University. IHO@ASU conducts, interprets, and publicizes scientific research on the human career. IHO’s unique approach brings together scientists from diverse disciplines to develop integrated, biobehavioral investigations of human evolution.